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Our bags are developed with the greatest care and attention to detail. Handmade by specialist craftsmen using premium Italian leathers, our focus is to make something that will stand the test of time.

As a natural product, Leather needs some care and attention to keep your bag in the best condition. Cherishing your Ree Projects bag can mean contributing to a better and more sustainable way of consuming.

Ree Projects carefully develops products made with premium
Italian leather. We provide each item with an individual care tag for
specific care instructions. For additional questions regarding care
please contact email us at customerservice@reeprojects.comor your local leather goods repair shop.


Our Smooth Calf and Soft Calf bags are made of Italian Bovine leather


Our Premium Suede with a soft touch is made of Bovine leather


A Butter soft Nappa made of Lamb with a super soft and luxurious touch



Natural & Made of a linen- cotton blend



Woven raffia made of a natural fiber mix